Thursday, April 28, 2005

Ken Schenck Quotes, Philosophy 2005

Notes taken by Jana Pajic:

“We have no conclusions…we’re just plowing the soil.” (2.1.05)

“I’m going to have you guys do a group activity - not because I’m bored, but because I don’t want you to hire a hitman.” (2.1.05)

“Sophie’s world pages 139-187…this chapter is like stuff I wrote in college.” (2.22.05)

“This is the ‘all have sinned’ de-jewification of this scripture.” (thoughts on adjustments to Pauline interpretation -2.22.05)

“Not all Schencks have these ‘Schenky’ characteristics. There is no universal Schenck.” (3.1.05)

“I’d hate to interrupt you - because then I could still stand here and keep on drinking my coffee.” (on settling back down after break - 3.1.05)

“…Queen Elizabeth - the “virgin queen” (who wasn’t too good at either of those things, as I understand…”) - (3.22.05)

“…This leads me in a very CHRISTIAN way to hate Henry VIII.” (3.22.05)

“OK!! Everybody uncomfortable?” (thoughts on class discussion of committing adultery 4.5.05)

“Reptar comes out and eats this transitional thing!” (thoughts on evolution/creation - 4.5.05)

“That brings Schenck to a beep…beep…beep -- back off that topic.” (thoughts on political discussion 4.12.05)

“The aesthetic stage, or, ‘the girls-just-want-to-have-fun’ phase.” (4.19.05)

“Write me a story. Write me a novel.
Get creative.
Get inventive.Get jiggy with it.” (advice on how to write our final papers - 4.19.05)


At 11:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the "Schencky" quote! My students even have a dance called "the Schencky Schenck" and no, you don't want to see it!
-Cousin Jim

At 12:21 PM, Blogger Ken Schenck said...

Anyone who's ever even seen me try to have rhythm understands that it's not so much that Wesleyans can't dance--but that they shouldn't! Hey you found this new site quick... I didn't even know you were listening in! Now I'll have to watch what I say ;>)

At 9:55 AM, Blogger Tao said...

Schencks across the globe.
Greetings from the UK!
Keep up the quotes and er... Dancing?

Tao Schencks


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