Saturday, April 30, 2005

Wilbur Williams, OT Survey, Spring 2005

"Someone would have to be very undisciplined to have sex with an animal."
(in discussion of bestiality in Leviticus 18)

Friday, April 29, 2005

Ken Schenck, New Testament Survey, Spring 2005

"Does it really make sense to keep women out of leadership simply because they don't have an organ not particularly known either for its spirituality or good leadership?"

submitted by Scott Hendricks

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Steve Horst, Spring 2005

"Red Squirrels came after the fall . . . there is not one ounce of goodness in them."-- submitted by Aaron Duvall

Ken Schenck Quotes, Philosophy 2005

Notes taken by Jana Pajic:

“We have no conclusions…we’re just plowing the soil.” (2.1.05)

“I’m going to have you guys do a group activity - not because I’m bored, but because I don’t want you to hire a hitman.” (2.1.05)

“Sophie’s world pages 139-187…this chapter is like stuff I wrote in college.” (2.22.05)

“This is the ‘all have sinned’ de-jewification of this scripture.” (thoughts on adjustments to Pauline interpretation -2.22.05)

“Not all Schencks have these ‘Schenky’ characteristics. There is no universal Schenck.” (3.1.05)

“I’d hate to interrupt you - because then I could still stand here and keep on drinking my coffee.” (on settling back down after break - 3.1.05)

“…Queen Elizabeth - the “virgin queen” (who wasn’t too good at either of those things, as I understand…”) - (3.22.05)

“…This leads me in a very CHRISTIAN way to hate Henry VIII.” (3.22.05)

“OK!! Everybody uncomfortable?” (thoughts on class discussion of committing adultery 4.5.05)

“Reptar comes out and eats this transitional thing!” (thoughts on evolution/creation - 4.5.05)

“That brings Schenck to a beep…beep…beep -- back off that topic.” (thoughts on political discussion 4.12.05)

“The aesthetic stage, or, ‘the girls-just-want-to-have-fun’ phase.” (4.19.05)

“Write me a story. Write me a novel.
Get creative.
Get inventive.Get jiggy with it.” (advice on how to write our final papers - 4.19.05)

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